E-Cigs Are Still Better Than "Cancer-Cigs"

e-cigarette health effects benefits
Inhaling any type of smoke cannot be good for you but it has been proven that e-cigarettes are actually less harmful to your health than regular cancer-sticks.  Why? Both products contain nicotine and large amounts of smoke. What could possibly make e-cigs better than cancer-cigs? 

Most people do not realize that regular cigarettes contain many other chemicals mixed into the cigarette. When you smoke a cigarette, you are not just inhaling nicotine smoke. You are inhaling a wide range of harmful chemicals, the most common being tar, which is tobacco residue. Additionally, the smoke created from smoking a cigarette is much denser than e-cigarette smoke – you feel it burning your lungs – it is full of ash. 

So, the next time your smoker friend starts wheezing after a 5 minute jog, point out how slow he is running, then pull out your e-cigarette and blow steam in their face. Then, do a little dance while chanting “e-cigarettes are still better than cigarettes, na na na na!” and run away before he has a chance to tackle you to the floor. 

Switching to e-cigarettes is not only much cheaper but it will help reduce health risks as well. Of course, don’t expect to be able to huff on an e-cig while sprinting in a marathon; your lungs don’t react well to any kind of smoke.

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